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Late Season Snowy Owl Photograph by John Vose

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Comments (22)

Chance Kafka

Chance Kafka

Congrats !

James Brunker

James Brunker

Beautiful, congratulations on your sale!

Robin Regan

Robin Regan


Jon Burch Photography

Jon Burch Photography

Congratulations on your new sale John, nice capture!

Elizabeth Dow

Elizabeth Dow


William Tasker

William Tasker

Cindy is right! Sensational! Your beautiful image has been featured by Wild Birds Of The World. L/F

Cindy Treger

Cindy Treger

John, this is stunning. f/l

John M Bailey

John M Bailey

Congratulations on your feature in the Fine Art America Group "Images That Excite You!"

Tony Grider

Tony Grider

Awesome image! Congratulations on your sale! Fav

Fiona Kennard

Fiona Kennard

Congrats on your sale!

David Stasiak

David Stasiak


Mike Dawson

Mike Dawson

Nice catch, congratulations

Joni Eskridge

Joni Eskridge

Beautiful. Congrats on your sale.

Linda Crockett

Linda Crockett

Awesome shot! l/f

Myrna Walsh

Myrna Walsh

Gorgeous !!

Angela Davies

Angela Davies

Superb, LF

David Parsons

David Parsons

nice .

Barbara Manis

Barbara Manis

Awesome, love your work!

John Vose replied:

Thank you Barbara, I really appreciate it!

Stephen Anthony

Stephen Anthony

Amazing shot! Perfectly focused and wonderful control of the DOF. Bravo John!

John Vose replied:

Thanks Stephen!

Sara Hudock

Sara Hudock

Beautiful capture, John!

John Vose replied:

Thank you Sara!

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Late Season Snowy Owl by John Vose
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